• +91-194-405-1100

  • enquiry@kashmirangelnetwork.com

  • 08:00 - 16:30

  • Monday to Saturday



Kashmir Angel Network was born as a result of a series of brainstorming sessions revolving around creation of an enabling environment supporting early-stage businesses. Our aim is to create a global network of well-intentioned individuals who are keen to support our youth start their own businesses.

We are, as such, a network of Angel investors who are willing to invest in early-stage businesses besides providing them mentorship and handholding support. The Network has been solely founded with the aim to mentor and finance disruptive business ideas of our youth and help them achieve scale and value for their ventures.

Being a first of its kind initiative from our region, KAN is backed by a passionately driven and professionally managed organisational setup which acts a platform for introducing aspiring entrepreneurs to potential investors.

Broadly speaking, our functions are twosome. One, to provide handholding support to our highly creative and imaginative youth to convert their ‘high-value’ ideas into ‘high-growth businesses’. Two, to bring together our large pool of well-intentioned individuals to invest in the energy and imagination of your youth.

Kashmir Angel Network, thus, consists of individual angel investors interested in financing privately held companies or ventures typically in an early stage of development. We are focused on providing investments to all ready and potential startups with Angels.



Driving successful and responsible Angel Investing in early stage start-ups and businesses with high growth potential across sectors to create value and foster an ecosystem of innovation and entrepreneurship..



To be recognized as the trusted and resourceful angel investment network locally, nationally and globally                                                                                                                                             



Integrity/Trust- Maintain transparency, trust and high ethicalstandards in all activities and relationships

Excellence- Strive for excellence and be quality driven

Impactful- Make measurable positive impacts on society andenvironment alongside financial return

Strategic Leadership- Be a source of insightful, inspirational,and forward-thinking leadership

Collaboration- Provide collaboration, networking andsyndication opportunities for the investors, entrepreneurs,sponsors and others

Celebrate- Recognize and Celebrate the entrepreneurship andearly- stage investment heroes in our community

Respect- Ensure honest, respectful relationships with allconstituents, including investors, entrepreneurs, sponsors andothers